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In Tql and TqlFlow you will come across multiple different datatypes.

DataType Description
STRING This is used for Text/Characters.
NUMERIC Used for Numbers, these can be Integers, Longs, or Floats.
INTEGER This is used for non-decimal numbers and is a sub type of Numeric.
BOOLEAN This can be true or false.
DATE Used for Dates, Date Times and Times.
LIST This is used for a List of values, the values can be any of the Datatypes.
DOCUMENT This contains Key to Value mappings in a JSON Object.


When the Datatype in the Documentation mentions ANY, any of the below value types can be used:


This is used for Text/Characters.

String Literal:


If you want to a single quote inside your string, you can use ' to escape:


which would read as O'Brien

In the Documentation if the placeholder value is <STRING-VALUE> the value can be any of these:


This is used for Integers, Floats and Longs. These data types can be represented as Literals and as Attributes.

NOTE: An Integer has its own Datatype information, this is because the Integer Datatype is a subtype of Numeric. An Integer type is within the Numeric datatype and so anywhere a Numeric value can be used an Integer value can be used, but if an Integer is required a Numeric value will need to be converted to an Integer.

These represent the value One with each Numeric Literal Types:

1       # Integer
1.0     # Float
1L      # Long

Tql and TqlFlow have Numeric Functions for handling some basic math operations.

In the Documentation if the placeholder value is <NUMERIC-VALUE> the value can be any of these:

  • Numeric Literal
  • An Attribute with a Datatype of Integer, Float, or Long
  • A Numeric Function


This is a sub type of Numeric, a Value that has a type of Integer can be used whenever a Numeric is used, but if an Integer Type is required a Numeric will need to be converted to an Integer. We have specific Integer Functions, specifically the TOINT function converts a Numeric type value to an Integer type value.

Integer Literal:


In the Documentation if the placeholder value is <INTEGER-VALUE> the value can be any of these:


This is used for representing true or false values.

Boolean Literals:


In the Documentation if the placeholder value is <BOOLEAN-VALUE> the value can be any of these:

  • Boolean Literal
  • An Attribute with a Datatype of Boolean
  • A Conditional


This is used for representing Dates and Times.

Date Literals:

Date('2020/01/01')                  # For a Date
Datetime('2020/01/01 00:00:00')     # For a Datetime

Note These are literals and do differ from the Date Function DATEFROMSTRING

The Date Function section contains information on the functions that return Date type values.

In the Documentation if the placeholder value is <DATE-VALUE> the value can be any of these:

  • Date Literal
  • An Attribute with a Datatype of Date
  • A Date Function


This is for a list of values, the values in a list can be any of the Datatypes on this page.

List Literal:

['Hello', 'World', 'BurstIQ', 'Flow']       # List of Strings
[1, 2, 3, 4]                                # List of Integers
[true, true, false, true]                   # List of Boolean values
[Date(''), Date(''), Date(''), Date('')]    # List of Dates
[{...}, {...}, {...}, {...}]                # List of Documents
['Hello', 1, Date('01/01/01')]              # List using multiple datatypes

In the List Functions section you will find information on working with Lists in Tql and TqlFlow. The functions in this Section return a value that is a List Type.

In the Documentation if the placeholder value is <LIST-VALUE> the value can be any of these:

  • List Literal
  • An Attribute with a Datatype of List
  • A List Function


This is used for representing a Document or Object within the existing one you query, You are able to query against an attribute in a document and can expand these using certain Tql and TqlFlow Clauses.

For some examples on how Documents are used as Literals you can find examples in the Map and If Functionality.

For Sub-document creation this can be done in a Select Clause.