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Datatype Functions

These functions can be used on attributes in the SELECT clause. Arguments can be literals, attributes, or in some cases, other SELECT functions.


String Functions

These functions can also be used as arguments for any parameter that takes the ANY or STRING-VALUE types.

Function Description
CONCAT Concatenates strings together. E.g. CONCAT('Dr ', doctor.first_name, ' ', doctor.last_name)
SUBSTR Creates a substring from a string value. E.g. SUBSTR(t.value, 0, 3)
TOSTRING Converts value to a string. E.g. TOSTRING(20)
TOUPPER Converts a string value to uppercase. E.g. TOUPPER('str')
TOLOWER Converts a string value to lowercase. E.g. TOLOWER('STR')
TRIM Removes whitespace off start and end of string. E.g. TRIM(' str ')
DATETOSTRING Converts a date to a string, with an optional custom format. E.g. DATETOSTRING(20, '%m-%d-%Y')
DATETOSTRINGTZ Converts a date to a string, taking a timezone argument and an optional custom format. E.g. DATETOSTRINGTZ(20, '-0530', '%m-%d-%Y')

Numeric Functions

These functions can also be used as arguments for any parameter that takes the ANY or NUMERIC-VALUE types.

Function Description
ADD Add 2 or more numeric values. E.g. ADD(3, 5.6, t.int_value, e.float_value)
SUBTRACT Subtract 2 numeric values. E.g. SUBTRACT(3, 5.6, t.int_value, e.float_value)
MULTIPLY Multiply 2 or more numeric values. E.g. MULTIPLY(3, 5.6, t.int_value, e.float_value)
DIVIDE Divide 2 numeric values. E.g. DIVIDE(t.int_value, 3)
MOD Modulus operator of 2 numeric values. E.g. MOD(t.int_value, 4)
SQRT Get the square root of a numeric value. E.g SQRT(9)
TOLONG Convert a value to a long. E.g TOLONG('1321113')
ROUND Round a numeric value. E.g ROUND(100.5)

Integer Functions

These functions can also be used as arguments for any parameter that takes the ANY, NUMERIC-VALUE, or INTEGER-VALUE types.

Function Description
TOINT Casts a value to an integer. E.g. TOINT('15')
SIZE Computes the size of the list. E.g. SIZE(t.my_list)
FLOOR Round a numeric value down to an integer. E.g FLOOR(100.5)
CEIL Round a numeric value up to an integer. E.g CEIL(100.5)
STRLENGTH Computes the size of the string. E.g. STRLENGTH(t.my_list)
YEAR Returns the 4 digit year integer value of a date. E.g. MONTH(t.my_date_time)
MONTH Returns the month integer value of a date. E.g. MONTH(t.my_date_time)
WEEK Returns the week integer value of a date. E.g. WEEK(t.my_date_time)
DAYOFYEAR Returns the day of year integer value of a date. E.g. DAYOFYEAR(t.my_date_time)
DAYOFMONTH Returns the day of month integer value of a date. E.g. DAYOFMONTH(t.my_date_time)
DAYOFWEEK Returns the day of week integer value of a date. E.g. DAYOFWEEK(t.my_date_time)
HOUR Returns the hour integer value of a date. E.g. HOUR(t.my_date_time)
MINUTE Returns the minute integer value of a date. E.g. MINUTE(t.my_date_time)
SECOND Returns the second integer value of a date. E.g. SECOND(t.my_date_time)
MILLISECOND Returns the millisecond integer value of a date. E.g. MILLISECOND(t.my_date_time)

Boolean Functions

These functions can also be used as arguments for any parameter that takes the BOOLEAN types.

Function Description
TOBOOL Converts a value to a boolean. E.g TOBOOL(1)

Date Functions

These functions can also be used as arguments for any parameter that takes the ANY type.

Function Description
DATEFROMPARTS Creates a date from components. E.g DATEFROMPARTS(2000, MONTH: 3, DAY: 10, TIMEZONE: '+04:45')
DATEFROMSTRING Creates a date from a string. E.g DATEFROMSTRING('2017-02-08T12:10:40.787')
DATEFROMSTRINGTZ Creates a date from a string using a timezone. E.g DATEFROMSTRING('2017-02-08T12:10:40.787', '+04:45')
TODATE Converts a value to a date. E.g TODATE(120000000000.5)

List Functions

These functions can also be used as arguments for any parameter that takes the ANY or LIST-VALUE types.

Function Description
APPEND Concatenates lists together. E.g. APPEND(t.value, [1], [1, 2, 3])
SLICE Slices a list attribute into smaller list. E.g. SLICE(t.my_list, 3, 5)
MAP Transform each element of a list. E.g. MAP(t.my_list USING elem WITH TOINT(elem))
FILTER Remove elements from a list based on a condition. E.g. FILTER(t.my_list USING elem WITH elem GT 0)


As part of a SELECT clause, the user can set literals in an output attribute. For instance, it may be advantageous to create a flag column set to true. Here are some examples of literals in a SELECT clause:

SELECT Date('2020-01-01') AS date_literal,
    'my string' AS string_literal,
    true AS boolean_literal,
    32 AS integer_literal,
    [1, 2, 3] AS list_literal,
        'key1': 'value1',
        'key2': 'value2',
        'subdocument': {
            'list': [1, 2, 3],
    } AS document_literal

It is worth noting you can use SELECT functions inside document and list literal declarations:

            'conditional_value': IF(str_attr ISNULL THEN 'default_value' ELSE str_attr),
            'list': [0, 1, ADD(x, 10)]
        } AS document



CONCAT(<string1>, <string2>, ...)

Parameter Type Description
stringN STRING-VALUE String to be concatenated (one or more)

Here is a basic document we can apply CONCAT on:

  "first_name" : "John",
  "last_name" : "Smith"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    CONCAT(first_name, last_name) AS full_name,
    CONCAT("My name is ", first_name) AS description,
    CONCAT("I can add these ", "together") AS sentence

Resulting document:

  "first_name" : "John",
  "last_name" : "Smith",
  "full_name" : "John Smith",
  "description" : "My name is John",
  "sentence" : "I can add these together"


SUBSTR(<input-string>, <index>)


SUBSTR(<input-string>, <index>, <length>)

Parameter Type Description
input-string STRING-VALUE String to substring
index INTEGER-VALUE 0-based index at which new string will start at.
length INTEGER-VALUE Length of new string. If negative, new string will be the rest of the input string after index

Here is a basic document we can apply SUBSTR on:

  "full_name" : "John Smith"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    SUBSTR(full_name, 0, 4) AS first_name,
    SUBSTR('012345', 2, 3) AS example,
    SUBSTR('012345', 2, -1) AS example2,

Resulting document:

  "full_name": "John Smith",
  "first_name": "John",
  "example": "234",
  "example2": "2345"



Parameter Type Description
input-value ANY Value to convert to a string

Note that you cannot convert a document or list to a string.

Here is a basic document we can apply TOSTRING on:

  "value": 1 

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    TOSTRING(value) AS value_string

Resulting document:

  "value": 1, 
  "value_string": "1"



Parameter Type Description
input-string STRING-VALUE String to convert to uppercase

Here is a basic document we can apply TOUPPER on:

  "my_string": "hello"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    TOUPPER(my_string) AS upper_string

Resulting document:

  "my_string": "hello",
  "upper_string": "HELLO"



Parameter Type Description
input-string STRING-VALUE String to convert to lowercase

Here is a basic document we can apply TOLOWER on:

  "my_string": "HELLO"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    TOLOWER(my_string) AS lower_string

Resulting document:

  "my_string": "HELLO",
  "lower_string": "hello"



Parameter Type Description
input-string STRING-VALUE String to convert to trim

Here is a basic document we can apply TRIM on:

  "my_string": "   hello    "

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    TRIM(my_string) AS trimmed_string

Resulting document:

  "my_string": "   hello    ",
  "trimmed_string": "hello"




DATETOSTRING(<input-date>, <format-str>)

Parameter Type Description
input-date DATE-VALUE Date to convert to a string
format-str STRING-VALUE Format of output. Defaults to %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ if unspecified. You can see info on date formats here

Here is a basic document we can apply DATETOSTRING on:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    DATETOSTRING(my_date, '%m-%d-%Y %H:%S') AS date_string

Resulting document:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"
  "date_string": "06-22-2019 10:30"


DATETOSTRINGTZ(<input-date>, <tz-str>)


DATETOSTRINGTZ(<input-date>, <tz-str>, <format-str>)

Parameter Type Description
input-date DATE-VALUE Date to convert to a string
tz-str STRING-VALUE Timezone of output date string
format-str STRING-VALUE Format of output. Defaults to %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ if unspecified. You can see info on date formats here

tz-str can be one of the following values:

  • A string UTC offset, with the format of
    • +/-[hh]:[mm]
    • +/-[hh][mm]
    • +/-[hh]
  • A string value of 'GMT', 'UTC', or 'Z'
  • A string Olson Timezone Identifier such as 'America/Denver'

Here is a basic document we can apply DATETOSTRINGTZ on:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    DATETOSTRINGTZ(my_date, '-0530', '%m-%d-%Y %H:%S') AS date_string

Resulting document:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"
  "date_string": "06-22-2019 04:30"


ADD(<value1>, <value2>, ...)

Parameter Type Description
valueN NUMERIC-VALUE Number to add

Here is a basic document we can apply ADD on:

  "value": 1, 
  "value_two": 2

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    ADD(value, value_two) AS sum,
    ADD(2, value_two) AS sum2,
    ADD(2, value_two, 3) AS sum3

Resulting document:

  "value": 1,
  "value_two": 2,
  "sum": 3,
  "sum2": 4,
  "sum3": 7


SUBTRACT(<value1>, <value2>)

Parameter Type Description
value1 NUMERIC-VALUE Number to subtract from
value2 NUMERIC-VALUE Number to subtract

Here is a basic document we can apply SUBTRACT on:

  "value": 1, 
  "value_two": 2

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    SUBTRACT(value, value_two) AS subtraction,
    SUBTRACT(2, value_two) AS subtraction2

Resulting document:

  "value": 1,
  "value_two": 2,
  "subtraction": -1,
  "subtraction2": 0  


MULTIPLY(<value1>, <value2>, ...)

Parameter Type Description
valueN NUMERIC-VALUE Number to multiply

Here is a basic document we can apply MULTIPLY on:

  "value": 3, 
  "value_two": 2

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    MULTIPLY(value, value_two) AS multi,
    MULTIPLY(2, value_two) AS multi2,
    MULTIPLY(2, value_two, 3) AS multi3

Resulting document:

  "value": 3,
  "value_two": 2,
  "multi": 6,
  "multi2": 4,
  "multi3": 12


DIVIDE(<dividend>, <divisor>)

Parameter Type Description
dividend NUMERIC-VALUE Number to divide
divisor NUMERIC-VALUE Number by which to divide

Here is a basic document we can apply DIVIDE on:

  "value": 1, 
  "value_two": 2

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    DIVIDE(value, value_two) AS div,
    DIVIDE(2, value_two) AS div2

Resulting document:

  "value": 1,
  "value_two": 2,
  "div": 0.5,
  "div2": 1  


MOD(<dividend>, <divisor>)

Parameter Type Description
dividend NUMERIC-VALUE Number to divide
divisor NUMERIC-VALUE Number by which to divide

Here is a basic document we can apply MOD on:

  "value": 1, 
  "value_two": 2

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    MOD(value, value_two) AS mod1,
    MOD(5, value_two) AS mod2

Resulting document:

  "value": 1,
  "value_two": 2,
  "mod1": 1,
  "mod2": 1  



Parameter Type Description
input-value NUMERIC-VALUE Value to get square root of

Here is a basic document we can apply SQRT on:

  "value": 9

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

SELECT SQRT(value) AS value

Resulting document:

  "value": 3



Parameter Type Description
input-value NUMERIC-VALUE / STRING-VALUE / DATE-VALUE / BOOLEAN-VALUE Value to convert to long

Here is a basic document we can apply TOLONG on:

  "bool": true,
  "decimal": 9.99999,
  "date": {
    "$date": "2018-03-26T04:38:28.044Z"
  "string": "11111"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

SELECT TOLONG(bool) AS bool_long,
  TOLONG(decimal) AS decimal_long,
  TOLONG(date) AS date_long,
  TOLONG(string) AS string_long

Resulting document:

  "bool_long": 1L,
  "decimal_long": 9L,
  "date_long": 1522039108044L,
  "string_long": 11111L,





ROUND(<input-value>, <place>)

Parameter Type Description
input-value NUMERIC-VALUE Value to round
place INTEGER-VALUE How many decimal places to round to

Here is a basic document we can apply ROUND on:

  "decimal1": 9.99999,
  "decimal2": 9.44444

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

SELECT round(decimal1) AS decimal1_round,
  round(decimal2) AS decimal2_round,
  round(decimal2, 3) AS round_with_place

Resulting document:

  "decimal1_round": 10,
  "decimal2_round": 9,
  "round_with_place": 9.444



Parameter Type Description
input-value NUMERIC-VALUE / STRING-VALUE /BOOLEAN-VALUE Value to convert to an integer

Here is a basic document we can apply TOINT on:

  "str": "3",
  "float": 3.5,
  "bool": true

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    TOINT(str) AS str_as_int,
    TOINT(float) AS float_as_int,
    TOINT(bool) AS bool_as_int

Resulting document:

  "str_as_int": 3,
  "float_as_int": 3,
  "bool_as_int": 1



Parameter Type Description
input-list LIST-VALUE List of which to get size of

Here is a basic document we can apply SIZE on:

  "values": ["value1", "value2", "value3"]

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    SIZE(values) AS value_size

Resulting document:

  "values": ["value1", "value2", "value3"],
  "value_size": 3



Parameter Type Description
input-value NUMERIC-VALUE Value which to get floor of

Here is a basic document we can apply FLOOR on:

  "decimal": 9.99999

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

SELECT FLOOR(decimal) AS decimal_floor

Resulting document:

  "decimal_floor": 9



Parameter Type Description
input-value NUMERIC-VALUE Value which to get ceiling of

Here is a basic document we can apply CEIL on:

  "decimal": 9.99999

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

SELECT CEIL(decimal) AS decimal_ceil

Resulting document:

  "decimal_ceil": 10



Parameter Type Description
input-str STRING-VALUE String of which to get length of

Here is a basic document we can apply SIZE on:

  "my_string": "my_str"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    LENGTH(my_string) AS my_string_len

Resulting document:

  "my_string": "my_str",
  "my_string_len": 6



Parameter Type Description
input-date DATE-VALUE Date of which to get year of

Here is a basic document we can apply YEAR on:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    YEAR(my_date) AS my_year

Resulting document:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"
  "my_year": 2019



Parameter Type Description
input-date DATE-VALUE Date of which to get month of

Here is a basic document we can apply MONTH on:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    MONTH(my_date) AS my_month

Resulting document:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"
  "my_month": 6



Parameter Type Description
input-date DATE-VALUE Date of which to get week of

Note that this uses zero based numbering.

Here is a basic document we can apply MONTH on:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    WEEK(my_date) AS my_week

Resulting document:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"
  "my_week": 24



Parameter Type Description
input-date DATE-VALUE Date of which to get day of year

Here is a basic document we can apply DAYOFYEAR on:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    DAYOFYEAR(my_date) AS my_day

Resulting document:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"
  "my_day": 173



Parameter Type Description
input-date DATE-VALUE Date of which to get day of month

Here is a basic document we can apply DAYOFYEAR on:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    DAYOFMONTH(my_date) AS my_day

Resulting document:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"
  "my_day": 22



Parameter Type Description
input-date DATE-VALUE Date of which to get day of week

Here is a basic document we can apply DAYOFWEEK on:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    DAYOFWEEK(my_date) AS my_day

Resulting document:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"
  "my_day": 7



Parameter Type Description
input-date DATE-VALUE Date of which to get hour of

Here is a basic document we can apply HOUR on:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    HOUR(my_date) AS my_hour

Resulting document:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"
  "my_hour": 10



Parameter Type Description
input-date DATE-VALUE Date of which to get minute of

Here is a basic document we can apply MINUTE on:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    MINUTE(my_date) AS my_minute

Resulting document:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"
  "my_minute": 15



Parameter Type Description
input-date DATE-VALUE Date of which to get second of

Here is a basic document we can apply SECOND on:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    SECOND(my_date) AS my_second

Resulting document:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"
  "my_second": 30



Parameter Type Description
input-date DATE-VALUE Date of which to get millisecond of

Here is a basic document we can apply MILLISECOND on:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    MILLISECOND(my_date) AS my_millisecond

Resulting document:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2019-06-22T10:15:30.321Z"
  "my_millisecond": 321



Parameter Type Description
input-value NUMERIC-VALUE / STRING-VALUE / DATE-VALUE / BOOLEAN-VALUE Value to convert to boolean

Here is a basic document we can apply TOBOOL on:

  "decimal": 9.99999,
  "integer": 0,
  "date": {
    "$date": "2018-03-26T04:38:28.044Z"
  "string": "false"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

SELECT TOBOOL(decimal) AS decimal_bool,
  TOBOOL(integer) AS integer_bool,
  TOBOOL(date) AS date_bool,
  TOBOOL(string) AS string_bool

Resulting document:

  "decimal_bool": true,
  "integer_bool": false,
  "date_bool": true,
  "string_bool": true


DATEFROMPARTS(<year-int>, MONTH : <month-int>, DAY : <day-int>, HOUR : <hour-int>, MINUTE : <minute-int>, SECOND : <second-int>, MILLISECOND : <millisecond-int>, TIMEZONE : <timezone>)

Note that all parameters other than <year-int> are optional, can can specified in any order.

Parameter Type Description
year-int INTEGER-VALUE Year of the resulting date
month-int INTEGER-VALUE Month of the resulting date
day-int INTEGER-VALUE Day of the resulting date
hour-int INTEGER-VALUE Hour of the resulting date
minute-int INTEGER-VALUE Minute of the resulting date
second-int INTEGER-VALUE Second of the resulting date
millisecond-int INTEGER-VALUE Millisecond of the resulting date
timezone STRING-VALUE Timezone of the resulting date

Here is a basic document we can apply DATEFROMPARTS on:

  "my_date": ""

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    DATEFROMPARTS(2010, MONTH : 3, DAY : 10, TIMEZONE : '+04:45') AS my_date

Resulting document:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2010-03-09T19:15:00.000Z"




DATEFROMSTRING(<date-str>, <format-str>)

Parameter Type Description
date-str STRING-VALUE String representing date to be converted to DATE
format-str STRING-VALUE Format to of <date-str>. Defaults to %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ if unspecified. You can see info on date formats here

Here is a basic document we can apply DATEFROMSTRING on:

  "my_date_str": "'10-25-2013'"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    DATEFROMSTRING(my_date_str, '%m-%d-%Y') AS my_date

Resulting document:

  "my_date": {
    "my_date_str": "'10-25-2013'",
    "$date": "2013-10-25T00:00:00.000Z"

Or without specifying a format:

SELECT DATEFROMSTRING('2020-02-08T12:10:40.787') AS my_date

Resulting document:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2020-02-08T12:10:40.787Z"


DATEFROMSTRINGTZ(<date-str>, <timezone>)


DATEFROMSTRINGTZ(<date-str>, <timezone>, <format-str>)

Parameter Type Description
date-str STRING-VALUE String representing date to be converted to DATE
timezone STRING-VALUE Timezone of the resulting date
format-str STRING-VALUE Format of <date-str>. Defaults to %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ if unspecified. You can see info on date formats here

Here is a basic document we can apply DATEFROMSTRINGTZ on:

  "my_date_str": "'10-25-2013'"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    DATEFROMSTRINGTZ(my_date_str, '-0530', '%m-%d-%Y') AS my_date

Resulting document:

  "my_date": {
    "my_date_str": "'10-25-2013'",
    "$date": "2013-10-25T05:30:00Z"

Or without specifying a format:

SELECT DATEFROMSTRINGTZ('2020-02-08T12:10:40.787', '-0530') AS my_date

Resulting document:

  "my_date": {
    "$date": "2020-02-08T17:40:40.787Z"



Parameter Type Description
input-value NUMERIC-VALUE / STRING-VALUE Value to convert to date

Here is a basic document we can apply TODATE on:

  "decimal": 1253372036000.50,
  "long": 1100000000000,
  "string_a": "2011-11-11",
  "string_b": "2011-11-11 11:00:06 +0500"

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

SELECT TODATE(decimal) AS decimal_date,
  TOBOOL(long) AS long_date,
  TOBOOL(string_a) AS string_a_date,
  TOBOOL(string_b) AS string_b_date

Resulting document:

  "decimal_date": {
    "$date": "2009-09-19T14:53:56Z"
  "long_date": {
    "$date": "2004-11-09T11:33:20Z"
  "string_a_date": {
    "$date": "2011-11-11T00:00:00Z"
  "string_b_date": {
    "$date": "2011-11-11T06:00:06Z"


APPEND(<list1>, <list2>, ...)

Parameter Type Description
listN LIST-VALUE List to concatenate

Here is a basic document we can apply APPEND on:

  "values1": ["1", "2"],
  "values2": ["3", "4"]

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    APPEND(values1, values2, ["5"]) AS all_values

Resulting document:

  "values1": ["1", "2"],
  "values2": ["3", "4"],
  "all_values": ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5"]


SLICE(<input-list>, <index>, <length>)


SLICE(<input-list>, <length>)

Parameter Type Description
input-list LIST-VALUE List to slice
index INTEGER-VALUE 0-base index from which to begin slice. If negative, counts back from end of list
length INTEGER-VALUE Length of slice to be returned. If index not specified, can be negative, and will slice from the end of list

Here is a basic document we can apply SLICE on:

  "all_values": ["0", "1", "2", "3"]

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    SLICE(all_values, 1, 2) AS small_values,
    SLICE(all_values, 2) AS some_values,
    SLICE(all_values, -2) AS last_values,
    SLICE(all_values, -2, 1) AS second_to_last_value

Resulting document:

  "all_values": ["0", "1", "2", "3"],
  "small_values": ["1", "2"],
  "some_values": ["0", "1"],
  "last_values": ["2", "3"],
  "second_to_last_value": ["2"]


MAP(<input-list> USING <handle> WITH <value>)

Parameter Type Description
input-list LIST-VALUE List to transform
handle ATTRIBUTE Temporary attribute which can be used to refer to each <input-list> element when inside the <value> expression
value ANY Transform to apply to each element of <input-list>. Can be a literal, or any other SELECT function

The identifier passed into the USING clause will be the handle for each list element when evaluating the WITH clause, which defines the transform Here is a basic document we can apply MAP on:

  "x": [0, 1, 2, 3],
  "y": 10

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    MAP(x USING elem WITH ADD(elem, y)) AS xy,
    MAP(["hello", "goodbye"] USING elem WITH 0) AS zeros,
    MAP(x USING elem WITH { 'key': elem }) AS docs

Resulting document:

  "xy": [10, 11, 12, 13],
  "zeros": [0, 0],
  "docs": [
      "key": 0
    }, {
      "key": 1
    }, {
      "key": 2
    }, {
      "key": 3


FILTER(<input-list> USING <handle> WITH <condition>)

Parameter Type Description
input-list LIST-VALUE List to filter
handle ATTRIBUTE Temporary attribute which can be used to refer to each <input-list> element when inside the <condition> expression
condition CONDITION Condition that determines whether to keep a given element

Here is a basic document we can apply FILTER on:

  "x": [0, 1, 2, 3],
  "y": 2

SELECT portion for TQL or TQLFlow could look like this:

    FILTER(x USING elem WITH elem GE y) AS filtered_x

Resulting document:

  "filtered_x": [2, 3]


The following specifiers can be used inside a format string for DATETOSTRING and DATETOSTRINGTZ:

Specifiers Description Possible Values
%d Day of Month (2 digits, zero padded) 01-31
%G Year in ISO 8601 format 0000-9999
%H Hour (2 digits, zero padded, 24-hour clock) 00-23
%j Day of year (3 digits, zero padded) 001-366
%L Millisecond (3 digits, zero padded) 000-999
%m Month (2 digits, zero padded) 01-12
%M Minute (2 digits, zero padded) 00-59
%S Second (2 digits, zero padded) 00-60
%w Day of week (1-Sunday, 7-Saturday) 1-7
%u Day of week number in ISO 8601 format (1-Monday, 7-Sunday) 1-7
%U Week of year (2 digits, zero padded) 00-53
%V Week of Year in ISO 8601 format 01-53
%Y Year (4 digits, zero padded) 0000-9999
%z The timezone offset from UTC. +/-[hh][mm]
%Z The minutes offset from UTC as a number. +/-mmm
%% Percent Character as a Literal %