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Getting Started

BurstIQ Administrators must create a new client data-space before any interactions can begin. Once that and a username/password credential has been created with an ADMIN role it is possible to start the tutorial. Remember that a “client” name identifies a unique data-space within the Secure Data Grid that segments that client’s data from others.


All of the API calls for the Metadata functions require the use of the Basic Authorization header; with credentials provided by BurstIQ or by the client’s administrator.

Every API call requires a cookie and header values to be set.

Basic Authorization Headers:

content-type: application/json
accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l


Before you load data into BurstChain®, you will need to define the type of data you wish to store (aka, create a dictionary). There are multiple ways to accomplish setting up a dictionary. Creating the definition of the dictionary does require knowledge of the business data that you will be storing and its intended use.

Primarily, you will create a dictionary for a collection or chain. This collection will contain a series of data types and structures that allow for customizing the collection to meet the needs of your business.

The dictionary can be defined in a JSON file.

There are two types of dictionaries, they each have their own distinct structure, Classic Dictionary is a more technical approach, while the Inline Dictionary is more easily readable.

The Dictionary Editor that is available in the Application creates and edits Inline Dictionaries.

Classic Dictionary

Inline Dictionary